Roselle Tea (Chidede)


Heritage Roselle tea also known as Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea from crimson or deep magenta-colored calyces (sepals) of the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) flower.
Hibiscus/Roselle is a good source of vitamin C, iron Vitamin A and antioxidants. It helps with anaemia, reduces high Blood pressure, improves digestion, Relieves anxiety, help with menstrual cramps, Boosts immunity and has Anti cancer properties.
Heritage Roselle tea can be used to make an infusion and consumed both hot and cold and has a tart, cranberry-like flavor. Enjoy it as a hot tea with lemon or spiced with Ginger or cinnamon, iced tea, in a cocktail, mixed with juices such as guava, mango baobab. It’s a good bedtime time tea for a relaxing sleep.

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